Dyson Family of Worcestershire

© Jeff Dyson  - November 2006

I have identified records of Henry Dyson and his many descendents from several sources which I list below together with the manner in which they are recorded.

Dyson Numbering System  

From the outset of my research I have tried several different numbering systems to identify individuals within the ‘family tree’. Some proved too cumbersome producing a number containing several numbers and letters which became meaningless, others were just too simple, like those used by the majority of Genealogy Software Programmes when the next number is randomly attributed to an new individual.

I have therefore developed my own system. Firstly I accepted that it was unlikely that I would be able to identify the parents of Henry Dyson born circa 1440 and so he became the ‘top of the tree’ and Generation Number 1. He has been allocated the Dyson Generation Number (DGN) 01/01. His six children William to Thomas become 01/02 - 01/07. The spouse of a member, for example Thomas Dyson 01/07, wife Elizabeth becomes 01/07W. A male spouse uses the suffix H, subsequent marriages use the suffix W2, or H2, etc.

The children of Henry’s six children form Generation 2 and are numbered from 02/01.  If a new member to the tree is traced they are allocated the next available number within their relevant Generation.  This number has also been used within my various databases to tie an individual member to the source information in the database. This has proved most helpful in identifying those database entries in need of further research.
