There were seven children from this marriage, Robert, Thomas, Charles, William, Elizabeth, John and Sarah. This John also died in infancy. It is interesting to note that Katherine was fifty years old at the time of the birth of her last child.
Thomas married Rose Baker in 1695 and there were three children, Joyce, Mary and Sarah
Henry was born about 1605 and married Margaret Hall, a widow, on 1 October 1631 at St. Michael Bedwardine Worcester. They had three children Christopher George and Margaret. Margaret died before 1638 as Henry remarried on 31 January 1638 at Stock and Bradley Church, Anne Collyer, she having been born in 1613 at Hanbury. She died in 1664 and there were no children of this marriage. Henry died about 1679 and the details of his will are as follows;
Will of Henry Dyson of Stock and Bradley 1679
In the name of God Amen, the 21st day of November 1679, I Henry Dyson, the Elder of the Parish of Stock and Bradley in the County of Worcester, Yeoman, being of perfect memory and remembrance praised be God do make and ordain this my last will and testament in manner and form following; First I give and bequeath my soul unto the hands of Almighty God, my maker, my only saviour and redeemer and my body to be buried in Christian Burial.
I bequeath and devise, in present all my land called the Ganway with all the appertenances thereunto belonging or in any way appertaining by me, and being in the Parish of Inkberrow (and now demised and set unto my son Christopher Dyson) at £14 per annum unto my Grandson, Henry Dyson, the son of Christopher Dyson his heirs and assigns for ever. I give and bequeath unto Henry Dyson, my grandson, son of Christopher Dyson, £20 in hand after my decease.